Thursday, March 7, 2013

Setting Stones

During the day I don't feel that we get very much accomplished, but when I look back on the last few days, it tells me a different story. 

The boss of our mystery surveyor actually took matters into her own hands and came to the orphanage yesterday with her own team of surveyors. They correctly located the boundaries of the orphanage and set stones to show us where we can continue the construction of the wall. She was alarmed to find the mistakes that have been made concerning boundaries in the area. It is evident that CLM has been mis-informed since they purchased the land back in 2003 and built all of their buildings upon the word of a surveyor who did not complete his work. 

Though we are happy to have stones that we can now build from, the homes on the orphanage step over the lines on almost every side of the property. 

Henry delivered our front gate today, and though we were expecting to see it installed, it sat idle for the whole day, and is now sitting idle into the night. We have hired one of the workers to come and watch it during the night to make sure that someone does not come to steal it. The reason for it remaining untouched throughout the day is because we focused our workers attention on digging the footings for the wall as it extends into the wetlands; a whole day of digging in saturated clay. 

We also received tables that we have purchased for the homes today. They came around 6pm, and still tacky with varnish. We decided to put them into the store house, where I sleep, so that the children wouldn't be touching them and the varnish would cure without fingerprints. The VOCs (volatile organic compounds) coupled with the doxycyclene should make for a very interesting dream. 

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