Monday, March 11, 2013

More surveyor Stones

Judith came back out to the orphanage today with her team of surveyors. I believe it is just to verify the locations that they had estimated during their previous visit. In speaking to her, I have new information.. 

Back when CLM purchased their land in 2003, the work of the surveyor was never finished (Mr. Egoo). If it were finished, the homes would not be built on other people's parcels of land, and the wall would have been built within the black and grey lines, which indicate the city plan. There is a difference between the grey and black because the black lines and circles indicate a land with an owner who has the land title. The grey lines indicate land which has been set aside for some purpose, but there is no title, and no stones to indicate the property corners. You can see the Green line, this is where we have to build our wall to complete the project, because the Plot labeled #1 has been sold and a title has been issued to that owner. The area that is colored blue is the land that the children have been using up to now that they will now have to become used to not having. This is the area in which we have had celebrations every year. The area that is colored pink indicates disputed land where CLM and the owner of Plot #2 have agreed to give and take. Judith informed me that this is not something that they can change the city plan for, this is a word of mouth agreement that could be removed, should one party sell their land or simply decide they want to make the other’s life difficult. The line that is colored a brick red indicates the current location of the wall, which is the result of Mr. Egoo instructing us to build in these locations. The line that is grey, as I mentioned before, indicates the city plan property boundary, which until now has been unknown to us and to CLM. The line that is pink indicates the limit Judith is willing to push the city boundary in order to accommodate Christian Life Ministries. The locations where the existing wall (red line) is outside the pink line are the areas in which there will someday be demolition of property; either wall, or buildings. What is not indicated on the map is the location of the chicken coop, which is in the middle of the road opposite plots 1 and 2. 
Though this is a good portion of information, this made up a tiny, tiny part of my day. I pumped water, I installed solar lights on the peaks of the roofs, I transplanted some grass, “adjusted” the gate, moved some dirt, tended scrapes and cuts on children, and even started my own little retaining wall project in which I will use broken bricks only. I trimmed a tiny bit more of my shirt exposing a new little sliver of white skin that is going to get a little sun treatment. 

Henry found workers that were all willing to work on a day-to-day basis, for a helper's wage of 6,000 UGS each. This is helpful for my dwindling budget. Today I had 15 workers put in a full day's work for 105,000 UGS ($40). Seems ridiculous to me at times, but then this is what the rate is in Uganda.

There were plenty of lightning flashes this evening, so there may be a point in the night when I wake up to a very large volume of water hitting the roof. It is loud enough to disturb my sleep, but I like to listen to it. I worked enough that I need to bathe again tonight. I notice that all the mums bathe mid-day, that might be a better time to do it, but then I will just get nasty and sticky and dirty again. I would rather sleep clean. 

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