Friday, January 25, 2013

8 days

       Over the last month, I have been talking to people on the phone, face to face, at Christmas and New Years parties, and via email. I have been trying to raise money to get the wall funded so all that remains is actually flying and getting my hands dirty. That time has finally come, and much sooner than expected. Right now, the obstacle is the 8 days before I hand over my ticket to the person at the flight desk, and board the plane. ...and not tripping over the giant “check-in” bag that is constantly spread open in the middle of my room. Every now and then when I think of something that would be useful, I will pick it up and figure out a way to mash it into the case. One example is bug screen...  I will be living at the orphanage for 2 months. Since the mosquitos and I don’t get along all that well, I am going to do my best to keep them away. I do not yet have malaria, and don’t intend to get it. The 2 ways to ensure this are very simple: keep taking my medication, which prevents it, and keep the mosquitos off of me. I have actually experienced moments here in the US where I am almost asleep in my bed and start batting at my ear because of some delusional flash-back where a mosquito annoyingly and slowly flutters into my ear canal... its terrible.
Several checks have arrived in the last week; our project is now fully funded and we are ready to start. I received an email from our partners in Uganda telling us that they need to pay the surveyor that was hired to locate the property lines, so, we have wired a payment to them that covers the cost of the survey and allows them to begin purchasing the materials needed for the wall. With materials now going into the orphanage, I am sure that all the children there are wondering what’s going on...  
I have a team of 4 to 5, not including myself, which will be meeting me in Uganda and joining in on the fun construction festivities. It has been a blessing to work through the details of the trip, though sometimes it’s mildly frustrating. The frustration, however, is in my head. Fighting that is a constant battle, and is overcome by remembering that God is the one that placed this project on my heart. He has truly put this small team together, and he will use us in the ways of his choosing to accomplish great things of which we are still unaware. I am expecting a trip of construction and relationships; encouraging the children, mums, and sharing the message of Christ with some who have not yet heard. What God has in store for us may be something entirely different... Please be praying for divine opportunities concerning my team; authentic ones. 

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